Our Team
After a brief breakfast and devotional in the morning, we realized that the water-pumps we were familiar with were not the ones we would be installing. Instead, we had a different model that required a little ingenuity and patience on everyone’s part. We split up into our smaller teams and headed to our villages. We worked quickly, focused on our task, but were pulled away for a meal prepared by the villages. It caused an instant change of focus for many of us. We had somehow forgotten that we had, after all, come to Malawi for the people, not just some manual labor. We ate and listened as leaders told us what our obedience to God’s call meant to them and what they planned to do in the future. This was only the first of many experiences that spoke to us as a whole.
By sundown on day one, we had completed two wells and despite much difficulty, made progress on a third. The two teams who had finished met up to show the Jesus film in one of the villages. Before the film began, we were again sat down at a table to enjoy another meal while the voices of at least 100 children sang, some sitting and some dancing. As the film began, the crowd grew to around 700 by the end. Scott, one of the men on our team, gave a summary of the movie and our need for a savior. He then presented those in the crowd with the opportunity to begin a new life in Christ. Throughout the crowd, hands raised and around a third of the crowd made commitments, accepting Jesus as their savior.
Scott Byers, Tom Thomas, & Carlos Sales
Nathan Giles
We showed the Jesus Film to about 1,500 people. Nathan sharing the Gospel.
Dave Heiliger
I had the pleasure of meeting Janette, a 16 year old girl who lives with her grandmother in a small village in the Nkhoma district. She and the other children gathered around us, marveling at the sight of themselves on our cameras. Johnny, another one of our team, talked with Janette and her grandmother for a short while with a surrounding sea of smiles. What happened at the end of the visit was, for me, the most humbling event of the trip. Janette’s grandmother left briefly and returned with a chicken, a gift for our group. The constant, unhesitant generosity we saw has become the greatest example in my life of generosity. In a circumstance where having a meal every day is not necessarily guaranteed, or even expected in many cases, this woman gave. It reminded me of Paul's writing in Philippians 4. He thanked the church of Philippi, a city heavily burdened with poverty, for giving to his ministry even when he had what he needed. We had no need for a chicken, but her gift was meant to feed a ministry and allow us to continue our work above and beyond what we had done on this trip. The chicken, because we had a five hour van ride ahead, found a new owner with the World Vision staff.
Carlos with one of his sponsored children, Stella, and her family.
Nathan giving a village a soccer ball after installing their water well.
Carlos visiting another one of his sponsored children, Lackson.
At Monkey Bay, debriefing our water well projects and future strategy.
(Art, Tom, Carlos, Scott, Mike, Nathan, & Dave. Johnny taking pic.)
Johnny Koyle preaching at our Sunday morning church service.
The final leg of our trip began with yet another long van ride in which we enjoyed each other’s company with little room, if any, to spare. The next two days, we spent sorting through everything we had seen, done, and felt on the trip, all while enjoying a bit of God’s creation. Elephants, baboons, monkeys, warthogs, impalas, water bucks, crocodiles, hippos, and plenty of birds I will never be able to name. All excellent reminders of how great God is. We took the time to talk, reflect, and learn more about one another and deepen our relationships with God. This time allowed us to gather our thoughts and experiences from the trip and explore ways we can maintain the “mountain top” type experience we were on once we returned to the states.
We are blessed to have all of our team members back safely and our families safe despite the dangers brought on by the fires in North County during our absence. Thank you to all who prayed for us and the work we were doing. Although it was a trip of firsts for many of us, we believe that it is a launching point for further trips and projects in the future. We hope that you will continue in your support, and that you'll consider joining us on a future trip.