Come join Team FaithQuest as we workout for lots of good reasons... our health, for fun, to do events together, and to raise money for a great cause.
"Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, 20 for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body."1 Corinthians 6:19-20
We are starting a Team FaithQuest in San Diego County
What is Team FaithQuest?
Team FaithQuest is a dedicated group of men and women committed to raising awareness and resources for some of the world’s most impoverished countries. Add a richer meaning and purpose to your training by bringing help and hope to needy children. Join our network of men and women who share a common goal. Cycling, running, swimming, hiking, or any event that requires training is a welcome addition to this great “dual purpose” opportunity (Training you and helping others!).
What is Team FaithQuest San Diego doing now?
We are currently doing walk/runs on Saturday mornings in various locations throughout San Diego County. We also meet several times a week for training in North SD County. Even if you normally run/train on your own, you are welcome to join us on Saturday morning runs... or simply participate in just the events, if you prefer.
We have a trainer that will help you get started, set up a training program, and help you set goals. We will be running/walking our first San Diego 5K in August 2009 and a 10K in November. We plan to participate in a few more 10K events... all gearing up to run/walk our first half-marathon in 2010!
What is FaithQuest?
FaithQuest is a Christian-based nonprofit organization. Our goal is to build bridges of love and connection between individuals/churches within the U.S. and impoverished communities in Africa and around the world. We are committed to mobilizing the church to put their faith into action and fully transform the lives of the extremely poor.
FaithQuest Missions started the “Y-Malawi?” partnership of 6 mission organizations and about 30 U.S. churches... in order to help briing the Good News of hope and help to villages in Malawi, Africa. This has resulted in World Vision sponsorship of over 4,500 needy children (meaning almost $2 million per year for missions work), installation of 22 new water wells which replaced consumption of water from contaminated ponds and mud holes, as well as construction of 6 new schools, and thousands coming to know Christ. This sharing of God’s love in the most tangible ways is something Team FaithQuest seeks to advance!
Learn more about the new Team FaithQuest chapter starting in San Diego County by clicking... http://tinyurl.com/TeamFQ and contact Sara Jones at (760) 884-9567, sarajones3@gmail.com or Carlos Sales at (760) 208-1511, Carlos@FaithQuestMissions.org for more info, or to learn how to start a Team FaithQuest chapter in your area.
Team FaithQuest Orange County
Our Orange County chapter started less than a year ago and look at all the fun they are having...
FaithQuest is a Christian-based nonprofit organization. Our goal is to build bridges of love and connection between individuals/churches within the U.S. and impoverished communities in Africa and around the world. We are committed to mobilizing the church to put their faith into action and fully transform the lives of the extremely poor.
FaithQuest Missions started the “Y-Malawi?” partnership of 6 mission organizations and about 30 U.S. churches... in order to help briing the Good News of hope and help to villages in Malawi, Africa. This has resulted in World Vision sponsorship of over 4,500 needy children (meaning almost $2 million per year for missions work), installation of 22 new water wells which replaced consumption of water from contaminated ponds and mud holes, as well as construction of 6 new schools, and thousands coming to know Christ. This sharing of God’s love in the most tangible ways is something Team FaithQuest seeks to advance!
Learn more about the new Team FaithQuest chapter starting in San Diego County by clicking... http://tinyurl.com/TeamFQ and contact Sara Jones at (760) 884-9567, sarajones3@gmail.com or Carlos Sales at (760) 208-1511, Carlos@FaithQuestMissions.org for more info, or to learn how to start a Team FaithQuest chapter in your area.
Team FaithQuest Orange County
Our Orange County chapter started less than a year ago and look at all the fun they are having...
Ragnar Relay 177 Miles (Santa Barbara to Dana Point), April 24/25, 2009: Team FaithQuest ~ Orange County, Placed 44th out of 105 Teams.
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Thank you for your words of encouragement. The Sales Family